Distributor dan Supplier terutama komputer, laptop, komputer, Servise komputer, kamera digital, LCD, Sewa/Rental komputer, Biro Jasa, Cleaning Service, pengadaan alat pertanian, alat peternakan, alat perkebunan, alat peraga, pemadam kebakaran, pakaian dinas, warnet, jasa pembuatan website (IT), Export Import, Konsultan, Real Estate dan Kehutanan
Karya Indah Mandiri CV was founded in 2002 and began operational since 2003 with head office in Jalan Abdul Hamid Syech 16 B Payakumbuh IV Koto Nan Tel. 0752-91629. Director currently held by Ir. Fiedri Dasril. The business field work Indah Mandiri CV (or better known as CV Karina) covers the areas of:
Distributor and Supplier particularly computers, laptops, computers, Servise computers, digital cameras, LCD, Lease / Rental computers, Bureau Services, Cleaning Service, procurement of farm equipment, farm equipment, farm equipment, props, fire, clothing department, cafe, website creation services (IT), Export Import, Consultants, real Estate and Forestry ...